At some point, your course ideas have to leave your Notes app — they just do. You’re helping no one by having them stashed away for a rainy day when you could be helping everyone — at least everyone in your audience. Still, organizing your ideas into an online course is easier said than done. […]
You already have an online course, but you’re not stoked to shout it from the rooftops — maybe you feel that it’s not any good, or maybe you just put one together because you “should.” Whatever the reason, you’re not happy, your students are only getting subpar results, your testimonials form is dry, and it’s […]
You already have a general understanding of the who, what, and why of your course and now it’s time to start putting it all together (yay!). Your course outline, or structure, is the foundational piece that determines how everything will come together for your student’s success! Every course will follow a similar, basic structure — […]
One of the most common questions I get as a course creator and learning specialist is, “What should I put in my course?” Most of the time, they’re stuck between what they think is valuable and what their students need to grasp the concept and put it into practice. And, more often than not, you […]
Have you ever read something that just didn’t click? Or maybe you bought a course or an ebook and were overwhelmed by all the information? When creating a product or offer for adults, you have to consider the learning experience — a poor learning experience leads to a lack of understanding and feeling overwhelmed, while […]
You’re probably wondering, “What do you mean by a pre-made course?” or maybe not because you are here, reading this post. First, let me clarify that I’m not talking about slide decks or workbook templates; I’m talking about a course and curriculum that is pre-made for you to sell to your audience (or almost completely […]
There are a million ways to create and launch an online course — and the only ‘wrong’ way is to give up. As a professional educator and course creator, I’ve helped experts create and launch courses for years. Each course was different, and each launch was unique to the creator. All were just as impactful […]
Let’s face it: an online course takes time to create, and most entrepreneurs fear they don’t have the time to dedicate to it (at least, not enough to make it into what they want to). Mostly, they don’t know how much time they need to dedicate to it — or they get overly ambitious, say […]
Did you know the average online course completion rate is 5-15%? It’s true, so if your students aren’t making it to your last module, you’re not alone. Still, just because the average completion rate is low doesn’t mean yours should be. This study considered traditional, academic courses through public and private education avenues — not […]
There’s a huge misconception about the “right” time to create an online course, and let’s take a second to clear it up: there is no “100% yes, this is the moment” way to know that now (or any time) is the right time to create an online course. But, just because there’s no clear sign […]