What does your New Year's Resolution and the Notes app on your phone have in common?

A half flushed out curriculum for the online course you’ve been saying you’ll create for the past year…

Creating curriculum is hard! Especially when you’re the expert.

Hey, no judgement here.

You KNOW you need more white space on your calendar, but you’re not willing to double the number of Zoom meetings you’re in every week (insert the “I quit my 9-5 job to work 24/7 entrepreneur meme"). 

You know there HAS to be a way to expand your revenue streams and capacity… but the thought of launching a group program makes you want to curl up in the fetal position. 

What seems obvious to you might be groundbreaking for others. Instead of regurgitating everything you’ve ever known into a slide deck, let’s take the time to build a curriculum that facilitates a REAL change (grounded in adult learning theories- but you knew that one was coming by now, didn’t you?)

You don’t want to give up your career or stop working with clients 1:1… but you know you’re ready to scale.

Imagine if your income didn’t depend solely on your butt in your home office.

Imagine if someone could find your page, binge your content, purchase an offer, and see results without you needing to get on any sales calls (or even a DM convo). 

Here's where the magic happens

This includes the curriculum, the technical set-ups, the course design learning materials, assessments… the works. As a learning specialist who has built DOZENS of courses, I have the unique ability to craft your expertise into something real- something that can support a massive transformation, without adding more meetings in your Google Cal. Whether you’re an online coach, service provider, or agency- if you work with clients 1:1, I can expand your impact and income. 

I'm Lauren, and I help entrepreneurs and organizations build their high-impact, profitable, online courses.

You may have thought about online courses before, and fallen into the TRAP of nonsense on social media.

You want to create an impact and not sacrifice your client results, but the thought of more Zoom meetings and Voxer notifications makes you wanna VOM.

Courses on creating courses are mostly MARKETING, but don’t actually teach you anything tangible about learning science or curriculum development. You’ve tried on your own, multiple times, to organization your thoughts into something that flows. You’ve even gone on to create slide decks in Canva! And yet, here you are: A little overwhelmed, a little jaded, and busy AF. 

Let me guess...

 A dedicated course creator and learning specialist in your corner- someone who knows exactly what to do, when to do it, and in what order. 

You want to build a quality program, but don’t have the time.

This isn’t creating cookie cutter courses, but creating transformation programs to scale your business. 

What you need?

Lauren has a Master’s degree in Education and eight years working in higher education. She has taught and worked with adult learners in four countries, creating over a dozen seminars, workshops, and courses while working with literally thousands of students to improve their learning outcomes. Since early 2022, Lauren has helped online entrepreneurs and organizations build the courses they’ve been dreaming about for YEARS. Lauren has worked with sales coaches, online business managers, digital nomads, therapists, career coaches, artists, social media managers, to name just a few. You’re the expert in your craft, and Lauren is the expert in learning-

Why work with Entrepreneur, Academic?

let’s co-create some magic together. 

worked with:


Entrepreneur, Academic is the go-to for supporting the creation of your online course.

MY Story

Entrepreneur, Academic is a thriving business, has been responsible for the creation of a dozen courses in the past year alone, continues to expand their impact on the daily with signature courses, workshops, and additional online learning opportunities. We live and breathe high-quality educational experiences, and ALSO embody freedom of choice- from planning my dream wedding, to racing bucket-list events, to spending three weeks in South Africa… the opportunities are endless when your business model is primed to scale. 

From teaching English in Vietnam, to building student-athlete seminars in the Midwest, to building professional development programming in Italy... I've done it all when it comes to curriculum development. I've had the privilege of working with adult learners across diverse industries- from engineers to outdoor leadership students, from industry experts wanting to craft their expertise into something passive. After nearly a decade working in higher education I choose to pursue a lifestyle that allowed me to write my own rules. 

I GENUINELY believe education has the power to transform lives, and that you deserve to be paid for your expertise. The world of online courses can be a bit of of a dumpster fire, and it's my personal mission to elevate the standard of online learning. 




Endurance sports and the outdoors are a large motivator for me, (we're talking #expensiveandtimeconsuminghobbies) - I've completed two Ironman triathlons, six marathons, and several multipitch climbs in Banff National Park.

I am a hot coffee in a ceramic mug every day kinda gal. I will only order iced coffee if it feels like the literal surface of the sun outside (which in Canada and Colorado, where I split my time, doesn’t happen very often). 

On the move- I've lived in four countries, three US states, visited 9/10 Canadian provinces, 30 US states, and visited a dozen international destinations. 

fun facts

Ready to scale your impact and income like, yesterday? 

Want to really, really, get to know us? 

Our course creation services help you ditch the overwhelm and finally create the course you've been dreaming about.

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